Date Posted

In the event of a strike upon the expiration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement on October 19th, 2024, strike duty payments will be made to all qualified strikers providing the following guidelines are followed:

  • Members and Agency Fee Payers have completed and submitted the MRF strike fund application.
  • Members and Agency Fee Payers have been performing their strike duty assignments (minimum 12 hours).
  • Picket Captains will certify that Members and Agency Fee Payers are performing their strike duty assignments.
  • Day 1 thru Day 14, Local 1298 will pay qualified strikers $300.00 per week.
  • Day 15 thru 28, the National MRF strike fund will pay qualified strikers $300.00 per week.
  • Day 29 thru the end of the strike the National MRF strike fund will pay qualified strikers $400.00 per week.

Members and Agency Fee Payers will NOT be eligible for payments for any of the following reasons:

  • Incomplete MRF strike fund application.
  • Unfulfilled strike assignments.
  • On vacation from the week the strike is called, the Company will pay them for the remainder of their vacation. They will become eligible for strike payments when their vacation is over.
  • They are on disability absence and are receiving disability pay.
  • There will be no retroactive payments for anyone who has submitted their MRF strike fund application late.



  • 1
    Current: Member Relief Fund Ground Rules
  • 2
Type in your name to certify that you are eligible to receive strike benefits under the rules of the Member Relief Fund. I understand that if I am found ineligible under the rules, I will return payments I am not entitled to.