Date Posted

A message from The CWA/Frontier Family Care Committee

Today is the last day the RSVP form will be active, please fill it out if you plan on attending.

We are cordially inviting you to Family Safety Night - August 3rd -1441 N Colony RD Meriden Connecticut- from 5-8PM. Please click the link below to RSVP

The charitable organization that we will be donating to this year is TADSAW (Train a Dog Save a Warrior) if you would like to read more see

We will have safety vendors, food, fun, music and more.

Please feel free to print the posters and hang them up in the garages.

This is a joint event anyone from Connecticut Frontier can join the fun, management and union members alike.

If anyone would like to sign up for a 15-minute meeting with Milliman please click here.

Safety Night