Well, here we go again, our insensitive and reckless Frontier CEO Nick Jeffery has struck again. He sent an email to all employees at Frontier with his plans to downsize jobs, and never once did he or anyone from the company reach out to the Union about this ahead of time. We found out at the same time our members did. Hours after the fact, the company notified the Union that they were going to declare a surplus under Article 7 of our collective bargaining agreement. Article 7 is a very serious article in our contract and should not be used as a toy to give voluntary severance offers that have been previously negotiated. There is not a path to do a standalone voluntary severance offer. When the company declares a surplus using Article 7, people get very unnerved. In this case, the company will only solicit volunteers, and only volunteers will leave the company with an EVSP. We are currently challenging this process; the company has used this same tactic on three other occasions in 2022. We have an arbitration scheduled to deal with this very same issue that violates our contract on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The company has clearly informed the Union that no employees will be forced off their title to relieve the surplus. When the company properly follows Article 7, they declare a surplus and identify available jobs in advance. They also identify impacted employees by providing a list of employees who are designated as surplus to the Union. They have not done that, and this further violates our collective bargaining agreement. This company clearly does not have any concern that they are making people nervous about their job security. This is the new Frontier brought to you by Nick Jeffrey. We will continue to police and enforce our contract to protect our members
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