The company notified the Union that they are invoking Article VII on three titles, Sales & Service Technician (70 ), Facilities Assigner (7) and Service Rep- DMU (2). They are declaring a surplus on the SST title. The company is using contractors because they claim there are not enough technicians. The company is also forcing OT on the SST title, and CT customers are waiting over 7 days for installations and repair appointments because there are not enough technicians. This does not add up. The company recently posted vacancies on the FA title and now claims there are too many FA’s. The company is not proceeding in a way consistent with the application of Article VII.
In the past, the Union and the company made special agreements for voluntary separation offers. In this case, they are declaring a surplus, following the “has jobs” path in Article VII, stating they do not intend to layoff employees, and after voluntary offers any remaining surplus employees will continue in their current job title and be utilized consistent with the provisions of our collective bargaining agreement. This creates a situation in which some members get to retire with a severance while others do not. Recently in bargaining, the company refused to even discuss a voluntary severance offer, stating CT had the proper headcount. The company refused to bargain this issue, and now the Union will be taking the appropriate actions. Please stay tuned for further updates as they become available.